Two Steeples Medical Centre, 10 Abington Close, Wigston, Leicester. LE18 2EW
Telephone: 0116 288 2566
Sorry, we're closed
The surgery will be closed from 1pm on Thursday 10th April 2025 for staff training and will reopen Friday 11th April 2025 at 8am as normal.
We aim to supply previously authorised prescriptions within two working days. You will be reminded to attend for a review and re-authorisation of your prescription at intervals decided by your Doctor.
Prescriptions are sent electronically to a dispenser/pharmacy of the patient’s choice making the prescribing and dispensing process more efficient.
Repeat Prescription requests are not taken over the telephone
We accept requests in writing, either hand delivered, through the post or online.
You can register online with us at reception and this will enable you to request your repeat prescription either via nhs app or through our prescription website via green prescription tile through SystmOnline Login.
To login to SystmOnline and order your prescription please click on link here:
Please note — to register online with us you must do this in person at the surgery. You will need to bring a piece of photographic I.D. with you such as a driving licence or passport.